This tapestry is one of a pair – Archeologist’s Fancy I & II. They came from musings on the endless labour of excavating centuries of settlement in the UK and Europe. The interlacing textures, colours and shapes of the strata lent themselves to improvisation on the loom.
It is reminiscent of the far-older-strata of civilisation lurking on or beneath the forest floor, much closer to home – just beyond the forecourt, no less.
Innumerable generations of ants (ferocious, and known locally as jack-jumpers), have built coruscated fortresses of great antiquity. Trees rot into complex colonies of slime mould, insects and exuberant fungi, with a damp earth fragrance as they transform into soil and sugars.
That which is close by in this place is more intruiging by far, than that on the other side of the earth.

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